
class baseband_tasks.channelize.Dechannelize(ih, n=None, samples_per_frame=None, *, dtype=None, frequency=None, sideband=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: TaskBase

Basic dechannelizer.

Inverse Fourier transform on first sample axis (which gets removed).

ihtask or baseband stream reader

Input data stream, with time as the first axis, and Fourier channel as the second.

nint, optional

Number of output samples to create for each spectrum. By default, for complex output data, the same as the number of channels. For real output data, the number has to be passed in.

samples_per_frameint, optional

Number of output samples to produce in one go. Rounded to the nearest multiple of n. Default: inferred from underlying stream, i.e., ih.samples_per_frame * n.

dtypedtype, optional

Dtype of the output samples. Default: complex (like ih).

frequencyQuantity, optional

Frequencies for each output channel. Default: inferred from ih (if available).

sidebandarray, optional

Whether frequencies are upper (+1) or lower (-1) sideband. Default: taken from ih (if available).

See also


to select the FFT package used.


To construct a Dechannelizer for a given Channelizer instance, use the from_channelizer classmethod.

Methods Summary


Create a Channelize instance that undoes this Dechannelization.


Methods Documentation

inverse(ih)[source] [edit on github]

Create a Channelize instance that undoes this Dechannelization.

ihtask or baseband stream reader

Input data stream to be channelized.

task(data)[source] [edit on github]