
class baseband_tasks.dispersion.DedisperseSamples(ih, dm, *, reference_frequency=None, samples_per_frame=None, frequency=None, sideband=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: DisperseSamples

Incoherently shift a time stream to correct for a dispersive time delay.

This task does not handle any in-channel dispersive smearing, but only shifts the samples according to the mid-channel frequency.

ihtask or baseband stream reader

Input data stream, with time as the first axis.

dmfloat or DispersionMeasure quantity

Dispersion measure to correct for. If negative, will disperse, but clearer to use DisperseSamples.


Frequency to which the data should be dispersed. Can be an array. By default, the mean frequency.

samples_per_frameint, optional

Number of dedispersed samples which should be produced in one go. The number of input samples used will be larger to avoid wrapping. If not given, as produced by the minimum power of 2 of input samples that yields at least 75% efficiency.

frequencyQuantity, optional

Frequencies for each channel in ih. Default: taken from ih (if available).

sidebandarray, optional

Whether frequencies in ih are upper (+1) or lower (-1) sideband. Default: taken from ih (if available). Note that while this is only used if the data is real (to calculate the mid-channel frequency), it should always be passed in together with frequency, since otherwise other tasks cannot interpret frequency correctly.

See also


for incoherent dispersion


for coherent dedispersion

Attributes Summary


Attributes Documentation
